Training Programs
Study with us to get AHEAD!
Business English Skills Training (BEST)
This modular program aims to teach participants the principles of preparing effective business correspondences and presentations and how to apply such principles in their job requirements. It will also help them gain confidence in their communication skills be it written or spoken.
English Skills Training (EST)
This modular program aims to help participants be more confident in conversing in English with clients, peers, and immediate superiors. Participants will also acquire skills through personal attention that will encourage and motivate them to effectively communicate in English correctly and spontaneously
* We tailor-fit our training programs according to the specific requirements of companies by using actual correspondences and scenarios in workshops. Examples, exercises, and even visual presentations are customized for each group of trainees.
Review programs
- College Entrance Exam
- SAT and ACT Review
- Junior High School Review
- Senior Hign School Review
- Law school Entrance Exam
- National Medical Admission Test Review
Tutorial programs
- One-on-one & Small Group Tutorial Program
- Summer Advancement Program
- Enrichment Program
- Homeschool Support Program
- English as a Second Langage
- TOEFL review
- IELTS review
- Business English Skills Training (BEST)
- English Skills Training (EST)
To Inquire Please Message: AHEAD Tutorial and Review Official
To Enroll Please Fill Out this Form: Enrollment Form
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