With over 100,000 takers, the UPCAT is no easy pass. This year, less than 10% of the applicants passed the state university. 

Something even harder to get into is UP’s Integrated Liberal Arts and Medicine (INTARMED) program. In this program, high school graduates can immediately enter UP’s College of Medicine. In their second year, they will take the NMAT, which shortens their medical education by 2 years.

However, this program is only offered to the best UPCAT passers—only 40 students pass INTARMED every year. Only the Top 20 male and Top 20 female UPCAT passers who applied for INTARMED may enter the program. In short, INTARMED passers are the best of the best!

For any aspiring doctor, INTARMED is a dream. For AHEAD INTARMED passer Alyssa Ragasa, “Two years less of sitting in a classroom for a med student allows one to serve the underserved 2 years earlier. That’s all it took for me to want INTARMED. UPCM’s advocacy to educate Doctors for the People in the hopes of redeeming the Philippine healthcare system was coequal with the impact I wanted to make on the lives of the Filipino.”

AHEAD is proud to announce that five of its students have successfully passed the prestigious program. That’s 1/8 of all INTARMED passers, which is a big feat!

Although these five students are undoubtedly intelligent, they credit AHEAD’s UPCAT reviews for their success. AHEAD INTARMED passer Arvin Malapo shares, “Before enrolling for any college review, I really thought I could manage on my own as long as I knew the coverage of each college entrance exam. AHEAD’s UPCAT Review actually proved me wrong! Aside from the great subject refreshers, the test-taking tips I learned from our AHEAD teachers really helped me survive my entrance tests.”

AHEAD’s Test-Based Approach and the INTARMED

AHEAD’s Practice Tests are based on the actual exams

AHEAD’s reviews do not only teach its students the lessons and content of the tests, but also test-specific strategies to analyze the choices and complete the test on time. After all, the UPCAT is unique for being right minus wrong. So, UPCAT test-taking strategies must answer the difficulties the test presents.

“My most vital takeaway from AHEAD was that I knew I was equipped with the adequate test-taking skills that will put into use the knowledge I have during the entrance test season. These skills increased my ability to gauge and trust the accuracy of my answers which enabled me to take the tests strategically,” shares Alyssa.

With hard work, determination, and a good review center, students can reach their dreams of becoming doctors by acing the UPCAT and entering the INTARMED program.

At AHEAD, we assist you in your journey to entering your dream university. Nothing compares to the joy that is felt knowing that you did your best and topped your entrance test with flying colors.  

Alyssa fondly shares her reaction upon passing the UPCAT and INTARMED program, “My successful application to the MBB program at UP-Diliman and seeing my tiny name on UPCM’s Facebook post containing the INTARMED passers gave me, my family, and my ever-supportive friends the same amount of overflowing joy. All my college acceptances were answered prayers I’ll always be thankful for.

An AHEAD Review Helps With INTARMED

An AHEAD Review will help you achieve your dreams

Investing your time and effort towards the most important test of your life will never be a mistake. Enrolling yourself into a college review program always becomes worth it in the end. “I could not believe it for hours, but once I absorbed everything, I was so happy that I am one step closer to becoming a ‘Doktor para sa Bayan,’” shares Arvin.

Sign up for AHEAD’s college entrance review programs to have access to its well-researched material, test-specific strategies, and excellent teachers to guide you into your dream university.

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